The latest diet pill to hit the market is called Quantrim, a product made from bladderwrack and cleavers.
It is claimed that with regular use and healthy lifestyle choices you will be able to lose as much as 3lbs a week.
Quantrim will provide you with the following benefits:
- Herbal ingredients are used, so no chance of any side effects
- It can boost your metabolism so will help burn extra calories and stubborn stored fat
- It can also help to reduce your appetite
- Boosted energy levels
The reason why Quantrim is so effective is due to its ingredients; bladderwrack and cleavers.
Firstly bladderwrack contains chelated iodine that is used by your body to make thyroid stimulating hormones, or TSH for short.
Your TSH levels are what controls your metabolic rate so if this hormone is not present in your body then you likely to gain weight.
By consuming a supplement that contains bladderwrack you will be able to replenish these hormones and keep your metabolism high.
Bladderwrack also contains other essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants so you should notice that your overall health will see an improvement too.
The second ingredient used in Quantrim is cleavers, an ingredient that has been used for reducing water retention and bloating in traditional medicine.
It can do this as it can stimulate your lymphatic system, resulting in your body being more effective at removing waste products.
If you are overweight or are inactive for long periods of time then cleavers can increase the speed of your lymph circulation, meaning that you will no longer experience that build up of fluid that often looks like fat build up.
Finally using cleavers will help to improve the appearance of your skin if you are unfortunate enough to have either acne and psoriasis.
Both of these ingredients are completely natural so are free of side effects, this product can even be used if you are a vegetarian or a vegan.
The only issue is if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it is not recommended for your use.
You should also speak to your doctor or a health professional if you have any concerns or have an existing health condition.
Quantrim is a quality product made from proven ingredients that are not only safe to use but will also provide you numerous benefits that will enable you to reach your weight loss goals.