Ethical Hacking Books You Should Read


Offensive testing on computer systems to discover security flaws is meant as “ethical hacking.” Security vulnerabilities are the technical terms for such defects. Recently, it has become a popular option for students from many walks of life.  

Ethical hacking implies a working knowledge of the systems being hacked since that is what it is all about. Networks, devices, protocols, web technologies, and content delivery systems are just a few of the online infrastructure components you’ll encounter while you hack(ethically).  

A thorough understanding of how these components interact is necessary. To get started, you’ll need a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, XML, or JSON and some familiarity with computer networks and the TCP/IP protocol suite. You’ll also need a working knowledge of C/C++/Java/Python and some fundamental knowledge of computer networks. 

Ethical hacking may be learned in a simple two-step approach. The first stage is to familiarise yourself with things and comprehend them. So, let’s check out the details of How To Learn Ethical Hacking in this article.  

Books To Read 

Hacking for Dummies 

In the “for dummies” series of Wiley, beginner-friendly books on a wide range of subjects are published by Wiley. Ethical hacking principles and techniques are covered in detail in this book. You can use it to study ethical hacking even if you have no programming experience. It’s essential to remember that if you don’t know how to program, being an expert hacker is almost impossible. 

CEHv10 Study Guide by SYBEX 

Do you want to know how to learn ethical hacking quickly? The ethical hacking certification course CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) is the focus of this book. It discusses the steps of ethical hacking and its technique. Detailed descriptions of the principles and practices of the tools are provided for each step of ethical hacking. 

Hacking, the Art of Exploitation 

The white hat hacking community has long been a fan of this book because of the breadth and depth of its subject matter. One of the best things about this book would be that you can still get a lot out of it even if you have no prior experience with programming or networks.  

These include chapters on C programming fundamentals, Bash scripting basics, file system basics, overflow vulnerabilities and how to exploit them, networking basics, network assaults, shell-code development, and cryptography.

Experts in networking, forensics, programming, and ethical hacking came together to develop Latesthackingnews. Most importantly their goal is to produce relevant and thought-provoking information. So don’t forget to check them out.