Seaweed Is a Source of Phytonutrients That Could Potentially Be a Cancer-Killer



Fucoidan is something of a newcomer on the health and wellness scene. Until recently, little was known about the substance, commonly found in various species of edible brown seaweed, like kombu and wakame. Now, thanks to recent research by Japanese scientists, we know that Fucoidan seaweed is a potential cancer-killer. Early scientific studies of Fucoidan have shown that it may have some utility in fighting cancer, since it has the ability to stop the growth of certain kinds of lymphoma cells.

Fucoidan is only one of many vital phytonutrients found in seaweed, which is widely considered to be one of the healthiest vegetable substances known to man. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide that occurs naturally not only in superstar seaweeds like kombu and wakame, available at every sushi restaurant in the world, but also in lesser-known varieties, like limu moui, Bladderwrack, mozuku, and hijiki. According to Wikipedia, Fucoidan has also been found in certain other kinds of sea life, like sea cucumbers.

A 2005 study by Asia, Miyakawa, et. al. determined that Fucoidan can actually kill certain kinds of lymphoma cells. Though the health effects of Fucoidan require far more study before anything can be said definitively about the substance’s cancer-fighting ability, this is an encouraging early result. Anyone interested in proactively countering the carcinogenic effects of our polluted environment would do well to consider adding brown seaweed to their diet.

Every year, researchers discover more and more problems with the so-called “healthy” compounds added to our foods, medicines and supplements. Take, for example, the case of the compound triclosan, which has for years been added to soaps and toothpastes as an antispectic. Recent studies of triclosan by the FDA have shown that the chemical might, in addition to killing harmful bacteria, disrupt hormone levels animals, meaning it might do the same in humans. This is a substance that medical science had previously concluded was perfectly safe, even beneficial to the human body.

Because most supplements are produced artificially, by large pharmaceutical conglomerates with no vested interest in the well-being of clients, they tend to be composed primarily of inert powders, and sometimes tap water. At best, these supplements contain an adequate amount of a few, select nutrients. Seaweed on the other hand, leverages the natural health benefits of seaweed to bring its users a plethora of healthy compounds, including Fucoidan. Seaweed has existed for millions of years; pharmaceutical companies have existed for a few hundred. Who do you trust?

Why should you choose seaweed health supplements over a conventional, over-the-counter multivitamin? More often than not, commercial multivitamins are composed mainly of artificial additives, with at best a trace of actual nutritional content. A seaweed blend composed of only pure vegetables from the sea, poses none of the problems associated with health products that rely on artificial additives for their effectiveness. Seaweeds culled from clean ocean waters around the world, contain nothing but healthy phytonutrients, like Fucoidan, evolved in nature and one-hundred-percent safe for human and animal consumption. A blend of twelve different seaweeds, is an easy way for you to get a daily dose of all those nutrients without having to alter your diet significantly.

The human body is too complex to tamper with, even in seemingly insignificant ways. Scientists can’t know the consequences that might result from the introduction of certain artificial chemicals into the human digestive tract, making all-natural health supplements the safest, most sensible option for today’s responsible, health-conscious consumer. Capsules of seaweed blends contain hundreds of different nutrients, each of which is present in the precise amount and form to which the body accustomed. When you take a seaweed blend you are effectively fortifying your body with a defensive line of beneficial chemicals, not to be found in processed foods-and certainly not to be found in most over-the-counter vitamins and supplements.


Source by Scott J. Kennedy