Why watch these exciting top 5 Netflix movies in 2021 | Nutritionfit

Reviews get alongside these Netflix exciting movies !! Go and Enjoy.

Netflix 2021
Netflix 2021

Mesmerizing memory to share with all I, myself, has gone through that phase of life where television aka Idiot box for some was ruling equipment and cassette was a love for the ears. We danced by playing our favourite cassette, repeat after repeat and can’t stop listening to it.

Television foremost, favourite Doordarshan channel was where all the family members google there for anything, yes googling the eyes over the idiot box after coming home from school, having our lunch while watching cartoon network or some T.v serials. Those were the days where we waited for the jugalbandi or rangoli where non-stop hit songs were only on Sundays.  

As we left the sight of those days, by featuring the set-top box for more than 1000 channels to watch on Led screen, is LCD a new form of idiot box where we can access the NetFlix and chill on the precise timing and all controls are in our hands. 

Beyond imagination, we all came from that zone where we used to cry for the tv serials or episodes to telecast again if we missed it. But now, we are in the tech world where we can access the internet and do great things from it. 

From earning to live shows, we are glomming in the world of entertainment. Here is a chill and thrill Netflix where we use it by paying for the subscription ( a minimal Amount ) and watching unlimited Movies in every genre whether you like dramatic drama or there is too much into a romantic genre. All are set to cover your boring life to an awesome live experience. 

These top-notch exciting movies on Netflix will surely help you to discover frames of emotion, funny, rights, interesting ways, life, and every other value which you meant to explore.

Introducing 10 top Netflix movies which you must watch:

1. The Mitchells versus. The Machines

Director: Michael Rianda

 Date: 2021

Mitchellsis a family of 4 who is severely involved with gadgets plus their families head 

Senior Mitchell has a rule for not keeping gadgets on the dinner table as it is family time. 

Mitchell – the creative one,

has another kind of dream of animation filming and telecasting in her youtube channel. She wants her life to pursue it as a career. But as they started their journey to her college, all of sudden, 

all stuck in the war of gadgets in the world of humans. 

The Mitchells are the only ones who take the initiative to save the lives of humans captured by gadgets and robots.

Interesting animated movie with a moral value of how a thing can be devastated if not used symbolically as its existence and unity within you relies on the beginning of new life.


IMDb: 7.7/10 

Rolling Stone: 4/5

The Mitchells vs the Machines serves the kind of escapist fare that will make you giddily optimistic, even if just for its less-than-two-hour runtime.

Reviewed by Pratishruti Ganguly, Firstpost

Although the film’s message of finding humanity outside of our technological dependence isn’t new, the ingenious presentation and heartfelt humour give it a life of its own.

Reviewed by Neil Soans, Times Of India

Netflix - The Mitchells
Netflix – The Mitchells

2. Gunpowder Milkshake

Director: Navot Papushadu

Date: 2021

A trio of gunpowder assassins fights to eradicate the criminals. Starting scene of Sam killing an abruptly criminal and getting hurt. As she came home, she made herself her vanilla milkshake and drank.

Scene cut to 15 years earlier, where she met her mother Scarlet, who is also an assassin.

Sam got the same post as her mother.

On that day, Scarlet vanished because of clauses that were broken by her.

She gradually learns and handed over the project one by one to kill the criminals and she was sent to further assassin ladies to get more accurate with guns and techniques.

When they all meet Sam, they mesmerize Scarlet’s face and the same eyes into her.

This movie will let you know how to deal with the inner darkness of your life.


IMDb: 5.7/10

This first entry could stand to be a bit more satisfying on its own, but the sugar rush that accompanies “Gunpowder Milkshake” is more than sweet enough to prove its place in a fast-growing sub-genre, with a cherry on top.

Reviewed by Kate Erbland, IndieWire.

The film’s humorlessness is off-putting; it is slick to the point of lacking texture. But the underlying problem is more fundamental. Gunpowder Milkshake is led by someone without the star power to carry it, surrounded as she might be by actresses far more interesting.

Reviewed by Angelica Jade Bastien, Vulture.

Netflix- Gunpowder Milkshake
Netflix- Gunpowder Milkshake

3. Black widow

Director: Cate Shortland

Date: 2021

This action – movie is by marvel comics. Starting with Ohio 1995, the Russian secret agents live as a family with their surrogate children Natasha and Yelena. When they rescued the S.H.I.E.L.D,

The whole family flew to Cuba where the children got separated and they trained to become Sergeant’s undercover.

 Natasha escaped to Norway and destroyed the shield company, ran away with the S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Natasha wants to know where her sister was, so she kept wondering and finding her until one day she got the antidote where she went to look out for her sister.

Action and thriller movies to be watched keeps enthralling situations in the movie and emotionally touched concept.


IMDb: 6.9/10

Scarlett Johansson plays the latest Avenger to get her own movie, but she’s overshadowed by Florence Pugh in this Cate Shortland-directed entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Reviewed by Maya Phillips, The NY Times

Black Widow
Black Widow

4. Lucifer Part 2

Developed: Tom Kapin

Date: 2021

Lucifer Morningstar is an angel but came to the earth because of his father “God”, yes his father is God.

In Season 2, Lucifer’s Dad visited the earth because of his three sons leading to a quarrel and to stop this quarrel, God came to solve it and wanted to see his grandson who is as mortal as humans.

So the grandson’s father begs God to give all the powers to his son and make him Mortal.

It is a season where cases are solved mysteriously combined with every single lead with the normal human life of Lucifer.

Must watch and try to add more spice when the suspense of the cases opens with a new angle.


IMDb: 9/10

If you are going to make a cop show in which the lead investigator is Beelzebub, you really have no choice but to commit fully and this willingness to dive in is Lucifer’s saving grace. It is entirely beguiled by its own preposterousness.

Reviewed by Ed Power, Daily Telegraph(UK)

Netflix- Lucifer season 2
Netflix- Lucifer season 2

5. Never Have I ever

Director: Mindy Kaling 

Date: 2020

 This series has the lead character centralizing a woman who is now a single parent of a child after her husband expired and her daughter got on the wheelchair after listening to her father’s demise. After 3 months she started going to the college on wheelchairs and suddenly she got all good and started walking by some good news she got at that time.

This Netflix movie is a roller coaster that depicts how a woman or a child handles their situation after sudden trauma into their life.


IMDb: 7.9/10

“Never Have I Ever” Season 2 is just as delightful, funny, and relatable as Season 1, thanks in large part to its cast.

Reviewed by Kristen Lopez, The indieWire

Preoccupied as it can often be with winning the white man’s approval, Never Have I Ever occasionally provides an authentic insight into desi culture.

Reviewed by Rohan Naahar, The Hindustan times

 Never Have I ever
Never Have I ever