Thank You COVID-19



Most people are afraid of and disgusted with the Coronavirus. It has messed up our status quo. It has inspired anger, brought about alarm, despair and death, perpetuated anguish and caused loss. But – have you thought of the good it is bringing to our world?

Corona has caused self isolation (I-soul-action). Yay! People are actually being forced to let go of their rat races, traffic jams and going to work for eight hours or more. This leaves room for introspection – How do we truly want our lives to be? I think most of us would say, “Peacefully and abundantly.” How does that feel corporate America?

Corona has caused education/schooling at home. In school bullying has ended – children are free to learn at their own pace and on their on schedule. Think there might be growing appreciation for teachers?

Corona has caused many businesses to close. That means there is less traffic on the roads and families have more time together. How is that working for you, parents?

Corona has caused people to stay at home because outside entertainment is not available. How is that helping to save money and create less spending?

Corona has been instrumental in having some people lose their jobs, become furloughed or temporarily laid off. How is that helping to change our current and reckless economic system?

Thank you Coronavirus for having us stay home and isolate while relating to our families (and even friends through technology) – rest when we need to – create healthy recipes – allow time to relax, regenerate and simply just be. You have caused us Corona, to look at our world differently and band together in thought and desire to make this a more empowered world of freedom for the individual… our birthright! Reader, how does that make you feel? Won’t it be interesting to see how the world has changed as a result of this virus?

What if we as a group gave a tremendous thank you to Corona? Deep gratitude to you, Corona, for upsetting the status quo and waking society up for change and fulfillment. When you are gone (joyfully soon), you will have sparked a more conscious and aware planet and hopefully, people will act accordingly to restore earth to its grandeur with peace, liberty and relaxation to her citizens… a recovery by design.

How does it get any better than this?


Source by Jyude A Allbright