Why Boundaries Are Still Important During Covid 19



I’ve been enjoying getting caught-up with old friends and family, and also staying in-touch with friends BUT I have realized it’s still important to have healthy boundaries! We could literally be on a zoom call every day if we wanted to! Not to mention all of the amazing trainings happening too!

It helps to first get clear on what your values and priorities are. What is important to you? What do you value in your life and business? Some examples are; freedom, family, spirituality, etc.

We want to make sure our decisions around how we spend our time and what we allow into our lives is in alignment with what we value and enjoy, even if we have extra family responsibilities right now.

And we don’t have to wait until someday when we receive / achieve _______.

Once you’re clear on what is important tot you, look at what you can add (or take away) to your life now that will invoke those feelings. It’s about living from those feelings we want more of now, so that we can attract more into our lives that continue to invoke those feelings!

It starts with us.

From there, we want to make sure our decisions and what we put in our calendars is in alignment with those values.

A great way to decide is to ask – is this in alignment with my values? If it’s not an absolute yes, it’s a no.

Another great way to check-in that’s effective – is this in alignment with my bigger dream of ____?

Again, if it’s not a heck yes, it’s a no. This is an easy way to eliminate trainings we don’t really need right now and also feeling okay about saying no to virtual happenings we don’t really want to do.

It’s okay to say no.

Even if people know you’re at home!

You still get to decide how you want to spend your time and with whom.

I’ve found myself busier than ever with starting new projects and manifesting new opportunities. My heart is so content doing these things. That leaves time mostly for my family and some time for myself.

Of course, I still love connecting with extended family and friends, and I am also doing that in a way that feels doable and fun.

I heard someone’s motto once: if it’s not fun don’t do it!

I love that. Well I guess you can tell fun is one of my core values;-)

Decide what they are for you and create an empowered covid schedule that works and feels good for you.

And dance workouts are 100% in my schedule!!


Source by Chris Atley