Maybe Universal Healthcare Could Assist People Afflicted With COVID-19



President Obama did all that he could to guarantee healthcare to all American citizens. Moreover, he tried to ensure that even people with pre-existing conditions could at least sign up for insurance. In the past, they had often been denied coverage since insurance companies were keen on making big profits without ever taking losses. Ensuring that everyone can sign up for insurance is not the equivalent of providing people with universal healthcare. If it is universal, it is for everyone regardless of age, condition, or social status. Now that COVID-19 afflicts American citizens as well as others across the globe, the time may have come to provide universal healthcare to save fellow human beings.

In a surprising move, President Trump said that the government would provide access to the necessary means to test all American citizens for COVID-19. Presumably, this would include green cardholders. According to further reports, those people tested who do not have health insurance could potentially owe as much as six thousand dollars in the end, the out-of-pocket expenses after having had limited governmental assistance. Intensive care could be quite costly for those who have been hospitalized.

A sick individual and his or her family has enough to think about and should not have the burden of paying medical bills while he or she is shielding family from contagion. On the other hand, afflicted people cannot ignore the problem as well as the possibility of passing the Corona Virus on to family, friends, and colleagues. COVID-19 causes many individuals to face other worse symptoms, and it can worsen pre-existing conditions. Furthermore, an ill individual might lose his or her job or not be able to make a mortgage payment on time.

American citizens who survive COVID-19 will ultimately have significant medical bills to pay while European citizens will not have to worry about losing their houses and possessions due to medical debt. World citizens who live in countries with universal healthcare can at least know that they will not go broke. Indeed, many people will be devastated due to business and stock market losses, but at the end of the day, people must regain their health in order to go back to work and to rebuild their nations.

Firstly, testing needs to be available to everyone. All people should be guaranteed a bed in a safe, sanitary place until they get well, and they need access to various respiratory cures regardless of their age, ethnicity, or background. The Corona Virus is more than just a disease that strikes down the elderly. It mutates and is potentially lethal to anyone. Furthermore, it is a nation’s duty to treat all people equally when it comes to putting forth a reasonable effort to save them. If the reader can make a difference to humanity by voting, it is his or her duty to get out and do so, to speak the truth and bear witness to universal care.


Source by Laura Gail Sweeney