Are There Health Benefits For Being an Ectomorph? | Nutrition Fit



Those people who are categorized as ectomorphs usually have a very difficult time increasing there body mass unlike mesomorphs who are genetically gifted and can be able to achieve muscle growth without much difficulty. Ectomorphs usually spend a lot of time in the gym before they even start to show any bodybuilding progress. Mesomorphs on the other hand do not have to go to the gym on a daily basis, they could go twice a week and still you would be able to see bodybuilding progress.

However in order to overcome the genetic constraints of being an ectomorph you need to be more disciplined, train smarter and be very patient when training. If you are not patient enough you will end up quitting your training since the results are not coming as fast as you had hoped for. Patience is a virtue that some ectomorphs lack and this makes them to use steroids in order to achieve fast muscle growth. Anabolic steroids have the following side effects; enlargement of the clitoris, irregularity of the menstrual cycle, growth of facial hair in women, shrinking of testicles in men, low sperm count, decrease in libido, baldness, kidney problems, liver conditions, heart ailments, insomnia, increase in aggression, and depression. You should avoid using steroids if you are an ectomorph.

If you are getting confused with the ectomorph terminology let me use a simpler term which is hard gainer. The hard gainers fall under the ectomorphic category. As a hard gainer this means that your body metabolism is in overdrive. The high metabolism is what causes your body structure to be lean and rather thin and that is the reason why you cannot seem to increase any form of weight either muscles or fat. Your physical strength is also very low since your muscle mass is very little. An extreme ectomorph will have a small wrist, lighter skeletal structure, small joints and a delicate physique. They are also slightly taller that the average John Doe and this makes it very difficult to lift weights due to there long limbs. The ability to recover is more prolonged for an ectomorph than is the case for a mesomorphs and endomorphs.

The common physical traits of an ectomorph include; thin, flat chest, delicate build, tall, lightly muscled, stoop shouldered, young looking and narrow bones. There personality traits include; self conscious, prefer privacy, introverted, socially anxious, mentally intense and emotionally restrained.

There are benefits of being an ectomorph;

  1. Since they have a smaller skeletal structure when they gain a little mass it becomes very well defined and this makes a person look bigger than they actually are.
  2. The other advantage is that due to there fast metabolism they usually have an easy time burning body fat. Since in order to gain mass you are required to take a lot of calories which is usually converted into body fat. In order to burn the fat away all they need to do is a bit of cardio exercises.


Source by Dane C. Fletcher