If you’re looking to improve client outcomes, then read on! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 steps that will help you provide better counselling and achieve better results. Improving your counselling skills can be a challenge, but it’s definitely worth the effort. These tips will help you provide more effective support to your clients and help them reach their goals.

What is Counselling?

Counselling is a process that helps people to explore their feelings, thoughts and behaviours to bring about positive change in their lives. It can be helpful for people who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships, work or personal life. Counselling can also be beneficial for people who want to understand themselves better. The counselling process usually involves meeting with a counsellor regularly, typically once a week. During counselling sessions, clients will have the opportunity to discuss whatever is on their minds. In addition, the counsellor will provide support and guidance as the client works through their issues.

10 Steps to Better Counselling

There are a few key things to keep in mind when counselling others that can make a big difference. Here are 11 tips:
  1. Active Listening – One of the most important aspects of counselling is being an active listener. This means paying attention to what the person is saying, both verbally and non-verbally, and responding in a way that shows you understand.
  2. Empathy – It’s essential to see things from another person’s perspective and understand their feelings. Empathy doesn’t mean you have to agree with the other person, but it does mean trying to see things from their point of view.
  3. Respect – It’s essential to respect other people’s opinions and beliefs, even if you disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and no one should feel like they have to change their beliefs just because someone else doesn’t agree with them.
  4. Genuineness – Being genuine and authentic in your counselling interactions is essential. People can sense when you’re being fake or phoney, and it will only make them less likely to trust you or open up to you.
  5. Concern – Showing concern for the other person shows that you care about them and want to help. This doesn’t mean that you have to fix all of their problems, but it does mean showing that you care about them and their well-being.
  6. Nonjudgmental – It’s important to be nonjudgmental in your counselling interactions. This means not passing judgment on the other person or their choices. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and no one should feel like they are being judged.
  7. Patience – Having patience is important when counselling others. Sometimes people need time to process what you’re saying and come to their conclusions. So rushing them will only make them feel more overwhelmed and less likely to open up to you.
  8. Flexibility – Being flexible in your approach is important when counselling others. Every person is different and will need a different approach. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to be flexible in your approach.
  9. Creativity – Using creativity in your counselling can be helpful. This can mean anything from using props or games to help get the point across to thinking outside the box to develop new solutions to problems.
  10. Humour – Humor can be a great tool when counselling others. It can help lighten the mood and make people feel more comfortable. Just be careful not to use humour at the expense of the other person or their situation.
These are just a few tips that can help you become a better counsellor. Next time you find yourself in a counselling situation, keep these things in mind and see how they make a difference.

How can Counsellor Enrich their Skills?

Counsellors need to keep their skills up to date and enrich them. There are many ways to do this, such as taking courses, attending workshops, and networking with other professionals. By keeping their skills fresh, counsellors can ensure that they are providing the best possible service to their clients. One way that counsellors can enrich their skills is by taking courses. There are many different types of courses available, both offline and online such as bacp online counselling training. These courses can cover various topics, such as how to better deal with difficult clients or how to use new counselling techniques. By taking courses, counsellors can learn new information and put it into practice right away. Another way to keep counsellors’ skills fresh is by attending workshops. Workshops can be a great way to learn new techniques or simply network with other professionals. Often, workshops will offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which can help counsellors maintain their licensure. Finally, networking with other professionals is an excellent way for counsellors to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field. By attending professional conferences or joining professional organisations, counsellors can make sure that they are constantly learning and growing as professionals. By taking advantage of these opportunities to enrich their skills, counsellors can ensure that they provide the best possible service to their clients. Keeping their skills fresh and up-to-date can help their clients reach their full potential.


In conclusion, following these 10 steps should help counsellors improve client outcomes. However, it is important to note that not all clients will respond the same way to the same interventions. Counsellors must always use their professional judgment to determine what is best for each client. What are your thoughts on these 10 steps? Have you tried any of them in your counselling practice? Let us know in the comments!