Age of Psychic Children | Nutrition Fit



In this age of high technology and a higher state of consciousness, children are being born with a higher state of awareness. This evolutional psychic upgrade in those born from the time periods of the 1980’s forward are gifted in several extensions of a sixth sense and beyond.

Learning how to raise these psychic children can be discerning especially for those children who have visions and hear messages, bend silverware, or move objects with their minds. To some people of an older generation these gifts were considered superpowers and in some schools of thought they were considered evil. Times have changed and our evolving intuitive species has too.

Educating yourself in the paranormal and psychic fields can help a great deal in guiding and supporting psychic children to have a sense of pride in their abilities and be responsible. Books, magazines, and television shows such as Paranormal Cops and Paranormal State, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal available for suggested age groups 13 and up. Explore and evaluate the best suitable media for your child’s particular gifts.

Perceptive, intuitive children are often overwhelmed with all the high-energy particles they have around them due to their keen sensitivity. Many of them absorb others problems, pains, worries, and struggles to such a point that they feel tired, sometimes depressed or lethargic from the overloaded accumulation of psychic energy. Learning to control their insightful sensitivity through a meditative activity is ideal but some kids are just too high-strung or young for such stillness of the mind. A class in martial arts, yoga, or tai chi can help your young psychic take control and become more balanced.

New learning communities have sprouted up locally and online that offer a curriculum for the intuitive arts and intelligences for home educators, teachers, and self-learners. Some of these schools can be found in the Spiritualist communities while others are found in traditional university sanctioned paranormal research. Depending upon your needs, the key is to stay open to the psychic levels and shifts without jumping into a study too quickly.

Every mystifying event you experience with your child is a meaningful awareness. Without discarding our capacity of rational discernment; we are being elevated to accept the higher part of our own intuitive process that each and every human being is born with. In this way, we are entering a new world view that provides a constant stream of miracles, big and small that guide us to a higher, more enlightened existence. This age of psychic children teaches us and helps us to discover a posture of growth and advancement in the wake of this evolutional leap.


Source by Barbara Garcia