Are Your Genetics Stopping You From Getting Ripped and Shredded? | Nutrition Fit



There are guys out there who have been working out for a while now and they have seen little to no results in terms of muscle gains. Those guys begin to question whether it is possible for them to get fitness model ripped, or whether they are fighting an uphill battle which they will eventually lose. The road to being ripped and shredded is definitely filled with lots of blood, sweat and self doubt.

The funny thing is that most guys who work out for a long time without seeing results will eventually lose this uphill battle because they have lost hope, they feel they received a bad deal at birth in terms of bodybuilding genetics. The interesting part about all this is that most people are not born with what is considered good “bodybuilding genetics,” but what people should know is that with enough hard work anyone can become ripped and shredded. Yes it may be easier for others to gain muscle, they may have the perfect body type but what counts the most is not what we are born with or without, what matters is what we do with what we have.

Some people have a harder time packing on mass whilst others struggle to keep their weight down, it seems like everything they eat turns to fat. All those people can overcome whatever “weakness” or “disadvantage” they are born with and build ripped muscular bodies. This situation is like a sports person who is very talented but is lazy and does not train, and a person who is not that skilled but is a hard worker in that sport, if you were a coach and you had to choose who to play you would play the hard worker because you know he will last and be effective during whole 90 minutes (if the sport is soccer) not someone who will not be useful for most of the game because he can’t keep up just hoping for a moment of brilliance. In muscle building you are like the hard worker, you are not someone born with great muscle building potential but you use what you have and you make the best out of it. We all can’t be Usain Bolt but if we train hard every day, and consistently we would be able to run pretty fast and even challenge the Usain’s of this world if the start slacking.

Before you give up thinking that your genetics are working against you, you should assess your diet, many people think that they are eating healthy food which is conducive to muscle building when they are actually not, many people trying to gain muscle often under eat which makes it difficult to gain muscle mass. Also check that you are training each individual muscle enough, and make sure that you give your muscles enough rest time because muscles do not grow in the gym, they grow outside the gym. During your training make sure that you are not lifting weights that you can do 20 reps for only for 10 reps, increase the weight so that the weight challenges you, you need to be struggling by that last rep. Do not have long rest periods between sets; try to make your workouts intense, you don’t need to spend a lot of time in the gym if you are working out right.

There are a lot of things you might be doing that would cause you not to see the growth you want. Tweak you workout, do not give up in the middle of the battle, and fight on. If you don’t believe you will gain muscle and you think your genetics are against you, then you have already lost. Forget about genetics; think about proper nutrition, pumping iron (experiment with different rep ranges & sets), and cardio and you are on your way to being ripped and shredded. If you believe and visualize that you will be shredded and work hard towards that end goal then it will happen.


Source by Eugene Madondo