The magical creation of dew on vegetation has long been the subject of research and special consideration. In some areas of water scarcity, the use of dew for healing, nourishment and sanitation can be a lifesaver.
Paracelsus believed the dew on vegetation possessed the healing energy of the plants as well as the various planets in the sky. Others believe that the dew on grass may act as a conductor to help transmit the healing energies of our magnetic earth and the universe. The famous Bach’s floral remedies, for instance, are based on the principle of dew capturing the essence of various flowers. Of course, flowers in themselves are believed to contain considerable amounts of energy, since it is the flower that provides the wellspring for fertilization and creation.
If we were to perceive the presence of dew as small twinkling drops of liquid crystals, our minds might then grasp how each drop captures the energy of the universe, and the energies of our living world. If one thinks about it – a drop of dew may be seen as a hologram of our universe.
One common technique for healing the body with dew is to kneel and brush the open fingers and palms of one’s hands across dew-laden vegetation. Once this is done, the cool virgin moisture is gently applied over and over again to whatever part of our body needs healing: a scar from a wound or operation, an inflamed or injured joint or bone, our emotionally or physically injured heart, our face, etc.
Using dew to moisturize one’s face is believed to help in retaining a youthful appearance while also energizing and refreshing the five bodily senses. The sense of seeing, for example, may be invigorated by repeatedly applying dew to one’s closed eyelids.
Another method for touching our bodies with dew is to lie down partially of fully naked on soft dewy grass and roll about. This is especially cosmic when done under one’s celestial birth sign or when the light of the Moon is smiling or in full bloom. While rolling about in the grass or moisturizing one’s face, it may be sensed that the essence of the vegetation’s odor is carried into the nostrils as the dew is transformed to water vapor by our body’s warmth. In this fashion, we may enjoy a form of cosmic aromatherapy – since we are also inhaling the essence that was captured by the dew as it formed on the vegetation.
Taking a barefoot walk in fresh dew is also highly recommended, since it is easy to do and offers many health benefits. It is believed that the special properties of the dew are absorbed transdermally through our skin. Elaborating on the concept of walking through dew is the Swissborn Dr. Alfred Vogel, who is world renowned as “the Nature Doctor.” Dr. Vogel has been researching, writing about, and practicing herbal medicine for more than sixty-five years. His 1952 book The Nature Doctor has been translated into over fifteen languages and has sold more than 2 million copies. In the revised edition published in 1991, Dr. Vogel gives this advice about the healing values of dew:
If you go for an early morning walk on dewy grass you will soon notice that going barefoot makes you feel really good, generating new strength when you have been feeling tired and worn out. It is like recharging one’s batteries, so to speak, recharging your run-down nerves with energy. It seems as if Mother Earth is giving off energy that improves the glandular functions. That is why I consider it rather strange that, although overtired and worn-out, we do not take full advantage of this simple regenerative treatment, which is able to stimulate our endocrine glands to increase their activity…. Take care, however, to walk only on natural ground, for the more unspoilt the ground the greater will be the benefit derived from its magnetic field. Never believe that walking barefoot on asphalt, concrete or any other artificial surface will do the same good. No, it is better to wear your shoes on this kind of surface, because you will not stand to gain anything by it, rather the opposite.
The Nature Doctor is a wonderful book, and the world is most fortunate to have Dr. Vogel as a resource for alternative healing.
Beyond the use of dew for healing, there is also the joy of running and jumping stark naked through thick fog or during a rain, sleet, or snow shower. While doing so, we may feel inspired to use our hands for massaging the virgin-like water into our skin and hair, or pounding our chest like a gorilla in the wild.
Along with the playful joy of experiencing various waters from the sky and our Earth, we may also have the urge to make sounds by singing, shouting, whistling, or humming. Perhaps this urge for making sounds as we play with water will help remind us of our childhood, or just how closely we are related to other life forms.
As a final thought on dew, I offer these lines from James Whitcomb Riley’s Thoughts fer the Discouraged Farmer:
Fer the world is full of roses, and the roses full of dew,
And the dew is full of heavenly love that drips fer me and you.
Source by William E. Marks