Healthy Penis Maintenance: Enlivening Masturbation Routines



Maintaining a healthy penis is important for all men, but engaging in appropriate penis care doesn’t have to be a burden. As a matter of fact, working on a healthy penis can often be a lot of fun. Why? Well, one of the ways men help to keep their penises in good shape is by making sure they gets plenty of exercise through masturbation or partner sex. After all, studies have shown that men who have frequent sexual experiences, whether alone or with a partner, tend to have healthier rods than those who don’t put their tools to good use.

Most men would prefer to exercise their penises with a partner, but that’s not always possible. With some sources recommending that a man ejaculate three to five times per week, many men will be taking penis health into their own hands regularly.

Nothing wrong with that – except that sometimes masturbation can get a little too routine. If that’s the case, here are some tips for enlivening one’s masturbation activities.

– Be a switch hitter. Sometimes simply switching hands can be all that is needed to add something fresh to a session of boner play. Using the other hands means that different parts of the penis are being stimulated in a slightly different manner – and that can put a new smile on a guy’s face.

– Let the mind wander. Some men pull back when they find their sexual fantasies wandering into an area that they consider too far afield. They worry about what it means if their fantasies become a little kinky or focus on partners that would not attract them in real life. But it can be profitable to let these barriers fall when masturbation has become a little too routine. Engaging in a fantasy doesn’t mean a guy wants to act on it.

– Reposition. Too often a guy masturbates in exactly the same position, perhaps lying on his back in bed or sitting in front of a computer terminal. Exploring a different position can add new excitement. What is it like to be on one’s knees, supporting oneself with one hand while masturbating with the other? Or to lie on the back with knees bent and hips raised in the air while stroking? Trying a new position can bring some substantial new rewards.

– Be a voyeur. Instead of watching other people have sex on the computer or TV screen, a guy can view himself. Many people like to use cameras for this purpose, but a simple mirror can do just as well. When a guy watches himself masturbating, he can get really turned on by how hot he is. Men who use a camera, however, should remember to take care that nothing turns up on the internet (unless he wishes it to, of course.)

– Move beyond the penis. Most men concentrate on the rod while pleasuring themselves for obvious reasons. But men have more than one erogenous zone. For example, the nipples, underneath the balls and the anus are all known for the pleasurable way they respond to touching. But don’t stop there. It pays to run one’s hands all over the body and see what other parts may be especially exciting to the individual.

Masturbation for healthy penis maintenance is one of a man’s great pleasures. However, too much masturbation often leads to a sore penis. That’s why regularly using a first-class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is so crucial. An over-masturbated penis that is rubbed raw needs to be lathered in a crème with the natural moisturizing power of Shea butter (a respected high-end emollient). That excess friction may also cause some peripheral nerve damage that “deadens” the tool, something that interferes with pleasure in a big way. Using a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can address that issue and get the pecker back in fighting shape in no time. Men of all levels of activity should consider making Man1 Man Oil part of their daily routine.


Source by John Dugan