How Can You Increase Your Body’s Oxygen Intake?



Oxy-Gen Caps

Saturated oxygen and many other same oxygen saturated ingredients as in oxy-gen liquid form supplements such as oxy-gen cherry berry. It contains pure anaerocidal oxygen and proper amounts of supplementation can improve athletic activities and oxygen loss in people due to improper intake of oxygen.

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

Oxy-gen caps include hydrogen peroxide which has many health benefits. It helps in killing bacteria and other viral threats. It helps in the stimulation of immune system. It forces the dirt molecules in the lungs to be expelled.

Magnesium Stearate

Oxy-gen caps contain Magnesium stearate which is also called octadecanoic acid. It is known to be harmless for human body and for that reason it is used to fill the supplement pills. And not only this it also exhibits lubricating characteristics for the ingredients in the pills.

Ginkgo Biloba

Oxy-gen caps contain ginkgo Biloba which has capillary dilating properties increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain. People who suffer from some disease that prevents adequate supply of oxygen to their brain can significantly benefit from this supplement.

75 Colloidal Minerals

Colloidal minerals are also contained in oxy-gen caps which are known to have better absorption rate and providing ready minerals for many body functions. The absorption rate of colloidal minerals derived from plants is almost 100% in contrast to other mineral intake which have an absorption rate of 11% to 28%.


Magnesium is a very important mineral for regulating blood sugar, hypertension, immune system, and protein synthesis. This nutrient is added as an ingredient in these capsules to make the supplement more beneficial for health.


A very basic mineral used in the passing of electrical messages from brain to the body organs is potassium. It is an electrolyte and that’s why it plays a very important role in human body. Potassium is also required by the body for muscle contractions and helping heart functions.

Zinc gluconate

Oxy-gen caps contain zinc gluconate which is a ready source for zinc. Zinc mineral is required by the body and many proteins. Proper supplementation to daily diet provides the necessary amounts.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian ginseng is an herb that has been used for whole body strength. Oxy-gen caps contain this herb in order to increase the benefits of the supplement.

Peppermint Leaf

Oxy-gen caps contain peppermint leaf. Pepper mint leaf has menthol in its oil. Menthol has been medically proved to help in reducing intestinal cramping and soothing of the digestive system. Pepper mint leaf has been taken in the form of tea to soothe the respiratory system in case of inflammation due to respiratory diseases.

Bee Pollen

Oxy-gen caps contain bee pollen. It is taken as a healthy diet and indeed it is healthy because it contains high amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. Some important minerals and vitamins are also preset in it that is required by the body to maintain proper body function. Bee pollen is also used for enhancing the memory and body performance.


Source by Ben W Taylor