How to Treat Dementia and Alzheimer’s With the Best Brain Food | Nutrition Fit



“Nootropic” is a term for a supplement that is ingested primarily for its effects on the brain. Nootropics is a Greek word meaning ‘Towards the Mind’. Nootropics are an emerging class of drugs that are designed to enhance cognitive function. Many of the cognition-enhancing “supplements” on the market make all the usual claims about “natural” enhancement – meanwhile they predictably contain just vitamins, herbs which have not been shown effective, perhaps nootropics, and often a stimulant, like caffeine. The only drug in the mix which is likely to have a noticeable effect by the user is the stimulant.

The concept behind nootropics is to target some metabolic or nutritional aspect of brain function, especially a function involved with memory or attention, and then to provide a nutritional precursor to that metabolic pathway, or a drug that enhances the activity of a neurotransmitter, enzyme, or other metabolic factor.

It is true and likely relevant that the brain is a very metabolically hungry organ. Optimal brain function depends upon most metabolic and physiological parameters functioning well. For this reason the brain is often the canary-in-a-coalmine of biological function – the first thing to go when something is off. Sick hospital patients, for example, are often sleepy or confused because their bodies are simply under stress, or their metabolic parameters are off. It can often be challenging to figure out exactly what is making a patient confused, because so many things can affect brain function. Further, in everyday healthy life our brain function can be off simply from having insufficient sleep, not eating well, being depressed, or being physically or mentally exhausted.

To be clear, nootropics are not steroids for the mind. In fact, true nootropic fanatics (who call themselves “noots”) claim simply that nootropics grease the cognitive wheels, enabling the brain to operate at its “cleanest” and for longer periods of time.

The terrifying symptoms of dementia start with mild memory loss. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You do not have to accept a failing memory as a natural part of getting older. Did you know there are currently over 36 million people worldwide with dementia? With the aging baby boomer population, that number is only going to explode.

According to the World Health Organization, if you’re over the age of 40, you personally have an almost 1 in 2 chance of getting Dementia. And if your memory is already starting to fail you, you need to take action today or you risk it getting worse and worse as you age.

The esteemed director at the UCLA Memory Clinic, Dr. Gary Small says, “The only cure for Alzheimer’s is prevention.” There is more money spent on brain research than on cancer research today. There are literally thousands of scientific studies which prove that it all starts with getting a healthy brain.

Is it possible to give your brain exactly what it needs, naturally, so that it can clear itself of toxins and perform at its best? The answer is, thankfully, YES! Dr. Small insists that you can create new neural pathways and alter your brain activity at a biochemical level. A Healthy Brain = A Healthy Body.

There is an array of brain healthy foods that you need to eat every day, but to make it easy for you, here is a list.

BRAIN SUPER FOODS: vitamin B-12, olive oil, garlic, peas, green tea, kale, blueberries, nuts and seeds, oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines & kippers, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, blackcurrant, broccoli and sage.

Eating the exact correct foods in the exact correct proportions would require a tremendous amount of effort. This led to the development of the study of nootropics, or ‘smart supplements’ as they are more commonly known. These are brain supplements that help your memory, focus, and overall brain health.

One noted researcher states that he read over 252 research studies on nootropics. He found that people using them were getting upwards of 20% improvement in their memory in as little as 20 days. He discovered that there were over 50 products on the market that claim to help your memory.

There are now thousands of clinical studies on how to improve your memory, reduce your risk of getting Dementia and how to get a better life, today. The problem is finding a single supplement that has all the right ingredients, much less any that had the right doses that supports the clinical trials. Some say that the supplement industry skimps on quality.

The US National Library of Medicine reports that about 40% of all people 65 years old or older have age associated memory impairment. That means you have a little less than a 1 in 2 chance of your memory failing you simply because of your age, not to mention stress, lack of sleep, diet, genetics, and the list goes on. What can you do about it?

Do you think that bringing your memory degradation to a screeching halt, preventing the bizarre and scary onset of dementia and staying more alert and focused… plus, knowing that your mind and memory are getting all of the support they need is a worthwhile endeavor? With the field of nootropics burgeoning, taking the time to evaluate the “smart supplements” available today would appear to be a worthwhile endeavor.


Source by Curney Parker