Lose a Significant Amount of Weight Between Thanksgiving and Christmas | Nutrition Fit



If you’re anxious about Thanksgiving and Christmas time eating, there’s a diet that could be the solution to your problems. Eating at Thanksgiving and at Christmas can be a dieter’s nightmare. Constant temptation and tradition and emotion all wrapped up with a pretty bow on it, huh?

What can you do?

Should you ruin your holidays by fending off temptation? Or, should you roll with it and make up for the bad behaviour at the New Year when just about everyone and their brother is resolving to lose that spare tire?

The Holiday Diet

Consider doing the Calorie Shifting Diet between Thanksgiving and Christmas. There’s a window of a few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas that are a great time to sacrifice and diet. This way, you can enjoy both holidays and still do a bit of damage control in the middle. Then January 1, go back on your diet wagon… if even necessary!

During those few weeks in the middle of the two fattening holidays, you might consider doing the calorie shifting diet because this is a diet that has many rave reviews of 7-10 pounds lost in 11 days through caloric cycling or zig zag dieting.

May will also do a cabbage soup / sacred heart detox diet.

What does this diet do?

The diet tricks your metabolism by having you zig zag and vary your caloric intake greatly and by giving you a specific diet menu to follow that releases fat burning hormones. Also, you’re eating 4 meals a day on this diet instead of 3 so your metabolism works much harder and helps you avoid the weight loss plateau. This diet can be done at any time of the year but doing it in early December can be helpful because:

1) You’ve gotten Thanksgiving out of the way

2) You’re going to be busy for a few weeks shopping and living before the real festivities hit.

3) This diet works in 11 day rotations with 3 day cheat days in between so this can even time well with some holiday parties.

Getting Started

Starting the diet around December 1 could result in up to 10 pounds lost by December 11.

Starting around December 5 could result in up to 10 pounds lost by December 16.

After the holidays are over, you’ll probably lose more than the typical 5 pounds that you gained over the holidays because most people lose 7-10 pounds.

This diet is available online with two components.

1) A Diet Guide

2) An online menu planner

The menu planner enables you to simply print off your menu and head to the grocery store for everything you need. Then, you simply eat what you’re told for each specific day. You’ll have 4 meals and you can eat them in any combination. There are no measurements or calorie counting and you simply eat until just before you’re full. There are other guidelines included such as plenty of water, going easy on the condiments and there are even tips for handling yourself at parties or restaurants which is a big dilemma for many dieters during the festive season.

The best thing about this type of plan is that you can do it whenever you need to. If you get to your goal weight in January and then fall of the wagon a little on a holiday or from some winter comfort eating, you can shed weight quickly by simply running the menu generator again and doing another 11 day stint.

If you’re reading this article too close to Christmas to get started on this diet, consider using if for your New Year’s Resolution diet.


Source by Dana Prince