Every morning you wake up after a nice dream and then reality hits – you have man boobs. You remember your chest is not just weighing you down, but stopping you from getting on with your life. It may be the girl you like, the job you want or even something as simple as playing with your kids. It’s not your attitude towards life that is the problem, but more the fact you don’t like feeling uncomfortable, it is so much easier to avoid those things right?
As a result we seem to fall back and incidentally this often makes the problem worse. A lot of men put weight on, that’s a fact. A lot of men in that position also find them selves feeling isolated, not just from what they want in life, but also from the people they care about.
Perhaps the worst part is that there is NO REASON for them to suffer at all, if you, yes you – the one reading this article, don’t look behind you I am talking to you – if you are getting down about your man boobs then don’t. Seriously, in the age where technology is advancing at an exponential rate, there is more help out there than ever. One of the problems is that there is so much information, it can be hard to follow all of it, but you CAN get rid of man boobs easily. Read on.
I will be putting it all in one place for you to follow step by step and you can then use it as a tool to get the life you want. When you think about how precious life is, it seems pointless to let something like man boobs take over your life, not when there are solutions to literally remove the problem. It won’t exist.
Something I quickly want to point out is that a man boob problem is not always, in fact hardly ever, a gynecomastia problem. When we think “man boobs” we think a guy with breasts right? Well, most of the time this is caused by fat. Simple as that. When we gain excessive fat, it is stored over our pectoral muscle as a fuel store for medium-long term use by our bodies. When this happens, you get the man boob shape we all know about. I’m going to give you some cool information in a minute that the big food companies don’t want you to know.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? Been there, done that and got the t-shirt (although after using what I know know my t-shirts are a lot smaller:D ). Being there isn’t somewhere I want to be, I highly doubt that you do either. Fact is, you looking for this information tells me you are ready to start to change your life, TODAY. NOT TOMORROW! There is NO OVERNIGHT CURE FOR THIS, but it could be gone in as little as 4 weeks.
What I am about to tell you won’t do it all for you. It’s high quality information and techniques that I paid a lot of money for and experienced. It is up to you if you use them or you can take them for granted and continue to live your life as you currently are doing, all I can do is tell you what you need to do to lose your man boobs. Ready?
92% (on average) of all men with man boobs, have their problem derived from chest fat (known medically as pseudo-gynecomastia. 8% have a problem called gynecomastia which is adipose tissue (breast tissue) over the mammary glands (where the nipples are). If you have gynecomastia, doing all of the exercise in the world will not remove it (there will always be breast tissue above the pectoral) – gynecomastia removal is only brought about by surgery. If you think this is your problem then the below is highly unlikely to help you so I would suggest consulting your doctor asap. NEVER put anything off and let it fester, take action and get it done.
For the vast majority of you however, feel lucky your problem can be rectified from within your own control. I mean that. Gynecomastia surgery can cost around $5,000 – you can get rid of your man boobs for FREE.
Your man boobs are caused by your lifestyle and here is some important information, so keep up.
I am sure you have all seen the adverts on TV with skinny females and butch guys all eating low calorie snack bars. Of course this insinuates that the lower the number of calories you consume, the less weight you will put on, including man boobs – right? WRONG!
All calories are not directly proportional to each other – meaning that some are better than others. Did you know that the REAL reasons you are likely to be putting weight on is? Sugar and complex, processed carbohydrates.
“Huh? So I can eat as much of the other stuff I want without putting weight on?”
Yep, as much fish veg etc as you like as long as you don’t turn excessive other consumption into a new problem! (but I’ll go through that with you in my free course later on man-boob.org).
See, when we eat sugars and processed carbs, it combines with insulin in our body and causes a really difficult type of fat to contend with. This fat is incredibly hard and as a result, hard to shift.
Ever heard of a beer belly for example? How much sugar is there in a beer..? You are just storing yours to form man boobs.
Just because a large food company is promoting “healthy food” it does not mean it is what it says it is. If everyone was healthy and not overweight, who would they have to BUY their food? Think about it, your man boobs give them pay cheques.
If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18, what you’ll need to do to get rid of man boobs is – nothing. If you’re a teenage boy and your man boobs are getting sensitive and even a little bit bigger, there’s no reason to be concerned. This is a normal part of male development during puberty.
Trust me, I had sensitive nipples when I was younger, and good god was I scared I was turning into a woman – but I didn’t, and neither will you. Just wait it out, or if you’re really that concerned, go see a doctor and they’ll tell you the same thing.
Take a look at your diet, what are you eating? I bet some of those “bad” foods are in there like cereal bars? Are you consuming smoothie after smoothie? Most fruits are smacked with glucose, not that fruit is bad for you, just don’t over do it and eat the right ones.
Still hungry? I need to keep this article short but here are some tips. Each pistachios, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews. These are all example of low Gi foods.
GI stands for the “Glycemic Index. The Glycemic index measures and ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on blood sugar levels. Eating high GI food (such as mashed potato) causes a massive spike in the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood, which in turn causes a release of insulin. Insulin is a hormone which encourages the body to store fat, not burn it.
When insulin levels are high, you simply will not lose much other than your self esteem.
High GI Food ( avoid )
White rice, white bread, cornflakes, baked potato, pretzels, watermelon
Medium GI Food
Brown rice, wholemeal, sweet potato, pasta, noodles
Low GI Food
Eggs, fish, nuts, lean meats, lentils, chickpeas, wholegrain breads, salad, most fruit and vegetables, milk
Eating low GI foods can have lots of additional health benefits as well, such as lowering your cholesterol levels and your chances of developing heart disease.
Diet isn’t the only cool stuff we can change immediately, with targeted exercise we can reduce your man boobs in the shortest possible time – here are some quick ones:
The most obvious and possibly hated is running. Why? Aerobic exercise is going to burn up a lot of your stored energy, mostly the carbs. When your carbohydrates are used up your body will look at your fat stores for fuel. Your body is an incredibly clever machine, but knowing how it works means we can use that to our advantage relative to the results we want.
Hate running? I’ll go through the other options in my free course I am giving away, probably for a limited time. If it’s something people really want I may keep it open, not sure yet..
Obviously I can’t keep this article going forever so visit my website to get it, I’ll explain step by step in a lot more detail what you need to do – so I’ll be there with you every step of the way – all free.
Anaerobic exercise will also play a big part, we don’t just want to lose fat, we want the perfect chest right? Ever seen the guys on the beach or around the swimming pool getting all of the girls attention? Well that will be you in 4 weeks.
The first exercise we will be focusing on is the incline bench press. It’s harder to explain in an article but I’ll show it all on your free course, this has taken me a lot of time and a lot of pain so please, use it wisely.
We will also be smoothing your lower chest, making your shoulders look like pillars that could hold up a small building and an upper back that could smash a coconut ( not that I’m saying you would want to of course).
The methods shown on the course are the most effective ways of not just losing man boobs, but to finding the perfect chest. Follow the link to man-boob.org right now while this is still available and I will take you through step by step for free. See you there.
P.S if you found this useful, please link to it, blog about it, tweet it, tell your friends add it to your Facebook etc so others may find it, thanks.
Source by Jerry Finch