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The discovery of any novel disease or condition means a steep learning curve as physicians must develop protocols for diagnosis, management, and follow-up on the fly in the midst of admitting and treating patients. Medical society task forces and committees often release interim guidance during the learning process, but each institution ultimately has to determine what works for them based on their resources, clinical experience, and patient population.
But when the novel condition demands the involvement of multiple different specialties, the challenge of management grows even more complex — as does follow-up after patients are discharged. Such has been the story with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a complication of COVID-19 that shares some features with Kawasaki disease.
The similarities to Kawasaki provided physicians a place to start in developing appropriate treatment regimens and involved a similar interdisciplinary team from, at the least, cardiology and rheumatology, plus infectious disease since MIS-C results from COVID-19.
“It literally has it in the name — multisystem essentially hints that there are multiple specialties involved, multiple hands in the pot trying to manage the kids, and so each specialty has their own kind of unique role in the patient’s care even on the outpatient side,” said Samina S. Bhumbra, MD, an infectious disease pediatrician at Riley Hospital for Children and assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Indiana University in Indianapolis. “This isn’t a disease that falls under one specialty.”
By July, the American College of Rheumatology had issued interim clinical guidance for management that most children’s hospitals have followed or slightly adapted. But ACR guidelines could not address how each institution should handle outpatient follow-up visits, especially since those visits required, again, at least cardiology and rheumatology if not infectious disease or other specialties as well.
“When their kids are admitted to the hospital, to be told at discharge you have to be followed up by all these specialists is a lot to handle,” Bhumbra said. But just as it’s difficult for parents to deal with the need to see several different doctors after discharge, it can be difficult at some institutions for physicians to design a follow-up schedule that can accommodate families, especially families who live far from the hospital in the first place.
“Some of our follow-up is disjointed because all of our clinics had never been on the same day just because of staff availability,” Bhumbra said. “But it can be a 2- to 3-hour drive for some of our patients, depending on how far they’re coming.”
Many of them can’t make that drive more than once in the same month, much less the same week.
“If you have multiple visits, it makes it more likely that they’re not showing up,” said Ryan M. Serrano, MD, a pediatric cardiologist at Riley and assistant professor of pediatrics at Indiana University. Riley used telehealth when possible, especially if families could get labs done near home. But pediatric echocardiograms require technicians who have experience with children, so families need to come to the hospital.
Children’s hospitals have therefore had to adapt scheduling strategies or develop pediatric specialty clinics to coordinate across the multiple departments and accommodate a complex follow-up regimen that is still evolving as physicians learn more about MIS-C.
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Determining a Follow-up Regimen
Even before determining how to coordinate appointments, hospitals had to decide what follow-up itself should be.
“How long do we follow these patients and how often do we follow them?” said Melissa S. Oliver, MD, a rheumatologist at Riley and assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Indiana University.
“We’re seeing that a lot of our patients rapidly respond when they get appropriate therapy, but we don’t know about long-term outcomes yet. We’re all still learning.”
At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, infectious disease follows up 4-6 weeks post discharge. The cardiology division came up with a follow-up plan that has evolved over time, said Matthew Elias, MD, an attending cardiologist at CHOP’s Cardiac Center and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Patients get an EKG and echocardiogram at 2 weeks and, if their condition is stable, 6 weeks after discharge. After that, it depends on the patient’s clinical situation. Patients with moderately diminished left ventricular systolic function are recommended to get an MRI scan 3 months after discharge and, if old enough, exercise stress tests. Otherwise, they are seen at 6 months, but that appointment is optional for those whose prior echos have consistently been normal.
Other institutions, including Riley, are following a similar schedule of 2-week, 6-week, and 6-month postdischarge follow-ups, and most plan to do a 1-year follow-up as well, although that 1-year mark hasn’t arrived yet for most. Most do rheumatology labs at the 2-week appointment and use that to determine steroids management and whether labs are needed at the 6-week appointment. If labs have normalized, they aren’t done at 6 months. Small variations in follow-up management exist across institutions, but all are remaining open to changes. Riley, for example, is considering MRI screening for ongoing cardiac inflammation at 6 months to a year for all patients, Serrano said.
The Dedicated Clinic Model
The two challenges Riley needed to address were the lack of a clear consensus on what MIS-C follow-up should look like and the need for continuity of care, Serrano said.
Regular discussion in departmental meetings at Riley “progressed from how do we take care of them and what treatments do we give them to how do we follow them and manage them in outpatient,” Oliver said. In the inpatient setting, they had an interdisciplinary team, but how could they maintain that for outpatients without overwhelming the families?
“I think the main challenge is for the families to identify who is leading the care for them,” said Martha M. Rodriguez, MD, a rheumatologist at Riley and assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Indiana University. That sometimes led to families picking which follow-up appointments they would attend and which they would skip if they could not make them all — and sometimes they skipped the more important ones. “They would go to the appointment with me and then miss the cardiology appointments and the echocardiogram, which was more important to follow any abnormalities in the heart,” Rodriguez said.
After trying to coordinate separate follow-up appointments for months, Riley ultimately decided to form a dedicated clinic for MIS-C follow-up — a “one-stop shop” single appointment at each follow-up, Bhumbra said, that covers labs, EKG, echocardiogram, and any other necessary tests.
“Our goal with the clinic is to make life easier for the families and to be able to coordinate the appointments,” Rodriguez said. “They will be able to see the three of us, and it would be easier for us to communicate with each other about their plan.”
The clinic began Feb. 11 and occurs twice a month. Though it’s just begun, Oliver said the first clinic went well, and it’s helping them figure out the role each specialty needs to play in follow-up care.
“For us with rheumatology, after lab values have returned to normal and they’re off steroids, sometimes we think there isn’t much more we can contribute to,” she said. And then there are the patients who didn’t see any rheumatologists while inpatients.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out as well,” Oliver said. “Should we be seeing every single kid regardless of whether we were involved in their inpatient [stay] or only seeing the ones we’ve seen?” She expects the coming months will help them work that out.
Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston also uses a dedicated clinic, but they set it up before the first MIS-C patient came through the doors, said Sara Kristen Sexson Tejtel, MD, a pediatric cardiologist at Texas Children’s. The hospital already has other types of multidisciplinary clinics, and they anticipated the challenge of getting families to come to too many appointments in a short period of time.
“Getting someone to come back once is hard enough,” Sexson Tejtel said. “Getting them to come back twice is impossible.”
Infectious disease is less involved at Texas Children’s, so it’s primarily Sexson Tejtel and her rheumatologist colleague who see the patients. They hold the clinic once a week, twice if needed.
“It does make the appointment a little longer, but I think the patients appreciate that everything can be addressed with that one visit,” Sexson Tejtel said. “Being in the hospital as long as some of these kids are is so hard, so making any of that easy as possible is so helpful.” A single appointment also allows the doctors to work together on what labs are needed so that children don’t need multiple labs drawn.
At the appointment, she and the rheumatologist enter the patient’s room and take the patient’s history together.
“It’s nice because it makes the family not to have to repeat things and tell the same story over and over,” she said. “Sometimes I ask questions that then the rheumatologist jumps off of, and then sometimes he’ll ask questions, and I’ll think, ‘Ooh, I’ll ask more questions about that.’ ”
In fact, this team approach at all clinics has made her a more thoughtful, well-rounded physician, she said.
“I have learned so much going to all of my multidisciplinary clinics, and I think I’m able to better care for my patients because I’m not just thinking about it from a cardiac perspective,” she said. “It takes some work, but it’s not hard and I think it is beneficial both for the patient and for the physician. This team approach is definitely where we’re trying to live right now.”
Separate but Coordinated Appointments
A dedicated clinic isn’t the answer for all institutions, however. At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the size of the networks and all its satellites made a one-stop shop impractical.
“We talked about a consolidated clinic early on, when MIS-C was first emerging and all our groups were collaborating and coming up with our inpatient and outpatient care pathways,” said Sanjeev K. Swami, MD, an infectious disease pediatrician at CHOP and associate professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. But timing varies on when each specialist wants to see the families return, and existing clinic schedules and locations varied too much.
So CHOP coordinates appointments individually for each patient, depending on where the patient lives and sometimes stacking them on the same day when possible. Sometimes infectious disease or rheumatology use telehealth, and CHOP, like the other hospitals, prioritizes cardiology, especially for the patients who had cardiac abnormalities in the hospital, Swami said.
“All three of our groups try to be as flexible as possible. We’ve had a really good collaboration between our groups,” he said, and spreading out follow-up allows specialists to ask about concerns raised at previous appointments, ensuring stronger continuity of care.
“We can make sure things are getting followed up on,” Swami said. “I think that has been beneficial to make sure things aren’t falling through the cracks.”
CHOP cardiologist Elias said that ongoing communication, among providers and with families, has been absolutely crucial.
“Everyone’s been talking so frequently about our MIS-C patients while inpatient that by the time they’re an outpatient, it seems to work smoothly, where families are hearing similar items but with a different flair, one from infectious, one from rheumatology, and one from cardiology,” he said.
Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, Mo., also has multiple satellite clinics and follows a model similar to that of CHOP. They discussed having a dedicated multidisciplinary team for each MIS-C patient, but even the logistics of that were difficult, said Emily J. Fox, MD, a rheumatologist and assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City.
Instead, Children’s Mercy tries to coordinate follow-up appointments to be on the same day and often use telehealth for the rheumatology appointments. Families that live closer to the hospital’s location in Joplin, Mo., go in for their cardiology appointment there, and then Fox conducts a telehealth appointment with the help of nurses in Joplin.
“We really do try hard, especially since these kids are in the hospital for a long time, to make the coordination as easy as possible,” Fox said. “This was all was very new, especially in the beginning, but I think at least our group is getting a little bit more comfortable in managing these patients.”
Looking Ahead
The biggest question that still looms is what happens to these children, if anything, down the line.
“What was unique about this was this was a new disease we were all learning about together with no baseline,” Swami said. “None of us had ever seen this condition before.”
So far, the prognosis for the vast majority of children is good. “Most of these kids survive, most of them are doing well, and they almost all recover,” Serrano said. Labs tend to normalize by 6 weeks post discharge, if not much earlier, and not much cardiac involvement is showing up at later follow-ups. But not even a year has passed, so there’s plenty to learn. “We don’t know if there’s long-term risk. I would not be surprised if 20 years down the road we’re finding out things about this that we had no idea” about, Serrano said. “Everybody wants answers, and nobody has any, and the answers we have may end up being wrong. That’s how it goes when you’re dealing with something you’ve never seen.”
Research underway will ideally begin providing those answers soon. CHOP is a participating site in an NIH-NHLBI–sponsored study, called COVID MUSIC, that is tracking long-term outcomes for MIS-C at 30 centers across the United States and Canada for 5 years.
“That will really definitely be helpful in answering some of the questions about long-term outcomes,” Elias said. “We hope this is going to be a transient issue and that patients won’t have any long-term manifestations, but we don’t know that yet.”
Meanwhile, one benefit that has come out of the pandemic is strong collaboration, Bhumbra said.
“The biggest thing we’re all eagerly waiting and hoping for is standard guidelines on how best to follow-up on these kids, but I know that’s a ways away,” Bhumbra said. So for now, each institution is doing what it can to develop protocols that they feel best serve the patients’ needs, such as Riley’s new dedicated MIS-C clinic. “It takes a village to take care of these kids, and MIS-C has proven that having a clinic with all three specialties at one clinic is going to be great for the families.”
Fox serves on a committee for Pfizer unrelated to MIS-C. No other doctors interviewed for this story had relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.
This article originally appeared on MDedge.com, part of the Medscape Professional Network.
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