Organic Smorganic | Nutrition Fit




Is that a word? It was in my house before repeated discussion and comparison changed Butch’s and Tabby’s mind. I think it was the difference in the taste of fresh organic produce that eventually convinced them that not only was organic food better for the human body but it was also good for the planet.

The crew at The Muscle Repair Shop know that the right fuel is essential for a smooth running body. Along with the need for Align Up, Tune Up, and Lube Up

The Fuel Up section is so important. How can a body run well on unhealthy fuel?

Organic farming is sustainable and redirects the energy consumption away from the food chain reducing the use of petroleum products and eventually reducing the cost of organic food to make it affordable and available. Consumer demand will drive the market.

So, shop organic using the guidelines below.

These foods are First Choice foods – These fruits & vegetables are either protected from pesticide contamination by their outer protective skin or they are hearty growers that are naturally pest resistant and therefore require less chemicals to produce good tasting healthy produce. Whether you peel them or not it’s always best to wash/rinse before you peel them.

Pineapple – Tough skin

Mango – Thick skin

Kiwis – Protective peel

Watermelon – Barrier rind

Papaya – Impenetrable peel

Avocado – Thick skins

Asparagus – Natural resilience

Sweet Corn – Natural protection

Onions – Naturally pest resilient

Sweet Peas – Pod protection

Cabbage – Naturally clean

Eggplant – Tough skin

Sweet Potatoes – Naturally clean

Tomatoes – Recently redeemed from the Dirty Dozen list

Broccoli – Fewer pest threats = less spraying

These foods are at the top of the First Choice Organic list.

Spend your organic dollar wisely. Some of the foods on this list are my favorites. Don’t get discouraged. Just make the choices that make sense.

Meat – Hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides store in the fat so, if not organic then at least make it lean. Also consider the portion size. The protein portion on your plate should take up only ¼ of the plate, if that.

Milk – Hormone, antibiotic, and pesticide levels in children pose a health risk. This is a very serious consideration for kids since many provide milk as a staple of a child’s diet.

Peaches – Thin skin lots of pesticides show in testing.

Strawberries – Imported are grown with more pesticides, but even domestic are one of the hardest fruits to grow commercially without regular treatment with chemicals.

Apple – Many fungi and insects are problems so multiple chemicals are used and can’t be washed off or peeled away.

Peaches – 32 types of pesticides found on nectarines

Cherries – 42 pesticides found by government testing

Blueberries – 52 pesticides!!!! This was a shocker. My absolute favorite fruit. I have not found an organic source that is affordable yet. I have a freezer full of blueberries that I use for smoothies. I am struggling with whether to consider that there are few sources of chemicals in my diet and therefore use them occasionally or toss them. Finding a balance is key.

Celery – No protective skin

Bell Peppers – Thin skin barrier so sprayed heavily

Spinach – 48 different pesticides

Kale – High amounts of residue

White potatoes – 37 different pesticides.

Coffee- Grown in countries with no regulations to limit use of chemicals or enforcement FOR Fair trade.

There is so much information about how to grow organic, shop organic and cook organic. Check out, or just google organic for answers to just about any question you might have. You are also invited to comment on our blog and ask questions.


Source by Butch Phelps