Salmon, Crab and Avocado Tians | Nutrition Fit



Seafood is full of nutrients, so why not give this tasty starter a go. It is easy to prepare, fresh and full of the flavour of the seas.


  • 3 ripe Avocados
  • 300grams of fresh Crab meat
  • 6 slices of Smoked Salmon
  • 100grams of full-fat cream cheese
  • 6 handfuls of salad leaves – lambs lettuce, watercress, rocket etc.
  • bunch of Dill finely chopped
  • 1 Lemon – juice only
  • Dijon mustard – 1/2 a teaspoon
  • Tabasco sauce – a dash
  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt


Peel and halve the 3 avocados, mash the contents of one of them and cut the other 2 into small cubes. Mix these together with half of the lemon juice and the salt and pepper.

In a bowl, mix together the cream cheese, crab, finely chopped dill, Tabasco, salt and pepper, and the other half of the lemon juice.

Take 6 x 7cm metal cooking rings or ramekins and line them with cling film to stop them sticking.

Add a layer of the Avocado mixture to each one, pressing down with the back of a spoon to ensure the mixture is spread evenly to the edges.

Then add the Crab and cream cheese mixture on the top, also spreading evenly.

Cover each ring or ramekin with cling film and refrigerate for around 2 hours.

Time to serve – place a small handful of the salad leaves on the center of each plate. Carefully remove the Tian from the ring or ramekin and remove the cling film. Place each Tian, Avocado side down on top of the salad leaves.

Place a swirl of the smoked salmon on top of each Tian and serve immediately.



Source by Delia Craddock