The 5 Best Healthy Snacks To Take On A Day Hike | Nutrition Fit



One of the best parts of hiking is finding a nice spot to rest and power up with a healthy snack while taking in the beautiful view. While it’s tempting to enjoy your favorite chips and some soda on the trail, it’s not recommended – experts strongly advise that you only bring snacks that will do your body good. You need to keep your energy up throughout, even if it’s just a short hike.

So what are the best types of food to bring when you’re hiking? Try to take these 5 best healthy snacks on a day hike!

Trail Mix

This classic, healthy snack isn’t called trail mix for nothing! It’s the perfect food while on the trail because it’s protein packed and is an excellent energy-booster. The mixture of dried fruit, nuts and chocolate is the perfect balance between salty and sweet. The best part is, you can customize your trail mix the way you like it – add your favorite nuts and seeds or your preferred dried fruit. Be sure not to pick out just the chocolate!


Just like trail mix, granola is a great mix of energy-boosters. An easy, healthy snack to take on the trail. Experts recommend that you go for homemade granola instead of the store-bought variety to avoid extra sugar and other ingredients you don’t need.

All you have to do is toast some rolled oats then add your choice of nuts, seeds, fruits and any other ingredients you like! You can add honey, agave syrup, maple syrup or a little bit of brown sugar if you prefer your granola sweet.

Beef Jerky

Another classic hiking snack is beef jerky. Hikers and backpackers love it because not only is it tasty, but it’s easy and lightweight to pack, too. Jerky is an excellent source of protein which helps keep your blood sugar levels in check and refuels your muscles while you’re on the move.

Bananas and Peanut Butter

Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps avoid muscle cramps on a day of hiking. Pair it with everyone’s favorite, peanut butter! Peanut butter is rich in healthy fats, calories and proteins. All of these keep you feeling full and gives you the natural fuel you need!

Cheese and Tomato Sandwich

If you like your snack a little heavier, go for a cheese and tomato sandwich – you’ll feel full, but not too full to continue with the hike. It’s easy to pack and prepare and if you want it fresh, assemble your sandwich right before you eat it!

Bring along these 5 healthy snacks on your next day hike and you’ll feel more energized than ever!


Source by Daniel J. Smith