Detoxification is an important aspect of healing, prevention and wellness. Detoxification is important to eliminate heavy metals, chemicals and candida from the body. We ingest so many heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins that get lodged in the body’s cells. These toxins get stored in the body’s cells and need to be flushed out through detoxification.
These toxins are ingested through air, food, water, cleaning products, body products and drugs. They then get lodged in our cells. These toxins trigger chronic disease and keep the body in a diseased state. In addition processed, packaged, refined and junk foods along with meat and dairy lead to candida growth in the intestines because these foods cause the body to become acidic. An acidic, toxic body leads to candida.
Some of the best natural ways to detoxify the body and flush out heavy metals and chemicals lodged in the body’s cells include: warm water with fresh lemon (drink this plain a couple times each day and add one or two teaspoons of Himalayan salt to one of the warm drinks or a cold drink of water and lemon), fresh cilantro and parsley, a tea made with fresh cilantro and parsley, Himalayan salt (a fully mineralized salt), green tea, a drink made with one or two teaspoons of diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay, activated charcoal supplements, pectin, chlorella and spirulina, chlorophyll, psyllium husk/corn silk, wheat grass, turmeric, garlic, avocado, beets, broccoli, iodine, probiotic and digestive enzyme supplements, milk thistle, dandelion root supplements, apple cider vinegar, kidney flush supplements and colloidal trace minerals, silver and gold supplements, activated charcoal supplements, water with one or two teaspoons of bentonite clay or diatomaceous earth and colloidal trace minerals.
Detoxify your body and your home. Get rid of cleaning fluids, soap, lotions, shampoo and other body products that contain chemicals (your skin is porous and will absorb chemicals). Use green and organic cleaning and body products instead.
Most chronic disease involves candida, a fungus that grows in the colon and lower intestine. In connection with detoxification, rid the colon and lower intestine of candida over-growth. Candida over-growth leads to leaky gut syndrome and blocks the body’s ability to absorb needed nutrients from food and supplements. Candida detoxification is often necessary to reverse chronic disease.
Candida growth is often triggered by antibiotics and toxins in the air food and water (that kill good and bad bacteria alike in the gut). We need the good bacteria to keep candida growth in check. Processed, refined and junk food and sugar feed candida and an acidic body (as opposed to an alkaline body) promotes candida growth.
Through detoxification, you will kill the candida in our colon and lower intestine. For at least 4 to 8 weeks: adopt a strict diet of raw, whole, organic vegetables (salads and fresh vegetable juices). Eat a lot of greens. Sprinkle salads with flaxseeds and chia seeds if you like or eat flaxseeds and chia seeds separately. Use oil, vinegar, lemons and limes for dressing. You can get a lot of protein from a plant based diet. But, if you feel the need for additional protein and iron, consider taking a protein powder supplement and iron supplements.
This diet eliminates sugar and is alkaline (and not acidic). Avoid all processed, refined and junk food. Avoid sugar. Avoid dairy. Avoid starch including grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. All of this is sugar or converts into sugar. Sugar feeds candida. Avoid meat. Meat is acidic and an acidic body enables candida to grow. Avoid all fats except olive oil and coconut oil and whole oils from nuts and seeds.
Drink at least eight, eight ounce glasses of filtered or spring water daily. Drink some of your water with fresh lemon or lime. Take natural anti-fungal supplements on a daily basis including bee propolis, oregano essential oil, colloidal silver, fresh garlic, grapefruit, grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, carpylic acid, berberine, olive leaf extract, apple cider vinegar and food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in water. It can take weeks or months to eliminate candida. So, have patience.
Also, detoxify the liver and kidneys with supplements such as milk thistle, dandelion root, avocado, avocado seeds, chlorella, spirulina, green leafy vegetables and molybdenum.
Eat plenty of grapefruit, drink grapefruit juice and eat grapefruit seed and take grapefruit seed extract. Grapefruit kills candida. Also, colloidal silver, oregano oil, bee propolis and food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in water kills candida along with black walnut hull extract supplements, wormwood supplements and clove supplements.
Re-populate your gut with beneficial bacteria. This helps the body digest and metabolize food and maximize the nutrients your body gets from food. You can re-populate your gut with beneficial bacteria by using probiotics and digestive enzymes. These come in supplement form. Fermented foods contain probiotics. These foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha tea, kefir and coconut water. Many fresh whole, organic vegetables contain digestive enzymes. Heal leaky gut that may have been caused by the candida with the diet prescribed in this article for detoxification and l-glutamine and quercetin supplements. This will help repair the cellular wall of the intestines that may have been damaged by leaky gut.
Drink filtered, spring, distilled or well water to reduce your consumption of toxins. Toxins damage the cells and immune system and other bodily systems and result in inflammation and oxidation at the cellular level (which leads to chronic disease). Consider making your water further alkaline with an ozone machine. Drink at least eight, eight ounce glasses of spring or filtered water each day. Drink water with fresh lemon or lime, drink water with baking soda and take ionic foot baths to further improve ph balance of your body.
Avoid processed, packaged, junk and refined food including refined sugar. Avoid or greatly reduce meat and dairy. If you feel like you need additional protein and iron, use protein powder and iron supplements. Avoid or greatly reduce starch during detoxification.
Follow the exercise program in The Ultimate Prevention and Wellness Program. This exercise program involves daily cardio, light weight lifting and stretching. It is especially important to, at the very least, walk 2 to 3 miles per day at a brisk pace, move and stretch your arms, legs and body and lift light weights. Stretch, dance and do yoga and tai chi.
Stretching and exercise help get the blood (and oxygen, nutrients, and life force energy) to flow freely in your body and to all of your cells to repair them. Make sure to get your heart rate up in your cardio.
Breathe deeply to maximize oxygen in your body. Take deep, cleansing breaths often and make sure that your regular breathing is deep and slow. Get outside daily and get plenty of sun, open the windows and circulate fresh air into your home. Put living plants and flowers in your home. All this will bring more oxygen into your body, which will help the detoxification process.
Source by Michael E. Goldberg