Superfoods are foods, typically fruits and vegetables, with a high concentration of phytochemicals that have been well-documented for their superior nutritional benefits. Superfoods are best known for their ability to reduce the likelihood of heart disease and cancers, but many are also essential for maintenance of Type 2 diabetes.
Grapefruit, one of the popular “superfoods,” is the perfect example of a “diabetic superfood.”
Of all the fruits to choose from, grapefruit is one of the most appropriate for Type 2 diabetics, as it doesn’t create sharp rises in your blood sugar levels like others will. A mixture of the phytochemicals and high fiber content in grapefruit make it especially powerful at lowering cholesterol – a trait that every Type 2 diabetic should appreciate.
Yet there’s an even stronger case for grapefruit, and it comes form a new antioxidant found in the citrus: Naringenin.
Naringenin has been found in grapefruits and other citrus, and promising research has reflected its ability to increase insulin sensitivity and to break down fats. The possibilities of its functions include…
- improving glucose tolerance, and
- fighting the metabolic syndrome.
Diabetics, take note.
Drug companies have been quick to research how they can take the medical benefits from these antioxidants and put them into medications for patients – but you don’t need to wait for a new prescription to benefit. Here are some easy ways to enjoy grapefruit straight from the tree…
1. Broiled grapefruit. Treat yourself to a nutritious breakfast or dessert with this sweet, wholesome dish. Cut a grapefruit in half and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top; drizzle just a teaspoon or so of olive oil over the surface. Place under the broiler for about 5 minutes, until the fruit is just a bit golden and charred. Serve with a lean protein like cottage cheese or an egg for a complete meal.
2. Grapefruit avocado salad. Two of the healthiest fruits also happen to make one of the tastiest salads together! Toss together fresh slices of grapefruit segments, avocados, and fresh mint or cilantro with a light vinaigrette. Add a sprinkle of feta cheese or almonds on top for a lean protein topper.
3. Grapefruit parfait. Layer fresh grapefruit slices with plain yogurt and a low-sugar granola for a delicious snack or dessert.
4. Enjoy it fresh. Digging into a fresh, seasonal grapefruit is one of the most rewarding snacks. Slice a fruit in half, grab a spoon, and dig in.
Grapefruit can interfere with several prescription medications, so check with your health care provider if you are on any medications.
Source by Beverleigh H Piepers