What Are the Benefits of Jumping?

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What are the benefits of jumping?

Jumping exercises are anaerobic exercises that involve quick bursts of energy. The benefits of jumping include improved cardiovascular health, metabolism, bone density, strength, muscle tone, balance and coordination.

Jumping exercises are anaerobic exercises that involve quick bursts of energy. The benefits of jumping include improved cardiovascular health, metabolism, bone density, strength, muscle tone, balance and coordination.

Regular exercise, good sleep and a healthy diet are important pillars for a healthy body. Exercises that are based on jumping are a great way to help you stay fit, active and in good shape. Jumping is regarded as a type of anaerobic exercise because it involves quick bursts of energy for which your body does not rely on oxygen delivery alone. Because a lot of quick energy supply has to be delivered while jumping, your body digs into the stored energy also. Other anaerobic exercises include sprinting, heavy weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Jumping has numerous benefits such as:

  • Jumping requires no equipment or any specialized gear. Thus, it can be a part of a home-based exercise routine. If you travel often, you don’t need to carry any weights or other gear with you. You can perform a jumping workout in a small space whenever and wherever you want.
  • Jumping builds strength and improves muscle tone. Jumping exercises such as rope jumping and jumping jacks are great for your upper and lower body.
  • Jumping is an excellent calorie-burner. It helps you dig into the fat-burning zone. Your body stores energy as fat. Jumping helps utilize glycogen (stored carbohydrates) and fat reserves. The number of calories burned during jumping depends on the person’s weight, jumping speed and duration of the workout. On average, a 150-pound person doing jumping jacks at a slow pace will burn about 100 calories in 10 minutes. The calories burned will go up as the speed, duration and weight go up. Hence, regular jumping will help you shed those extra pounds and stay in shape.
  • Jumping helps improve bone density. Bone density or bone mineral density (BMD) refers to the strength of your bones. It measures the various minerals packed in bones. Jumping is a type of weight-bearing exercise. This means that your body bears its weight as you jump. Weight-bearing exercises help build bone density, making bones stronger and healthier. Jumping is considered one of the best workouts for improving bone health.
  • Jumping improves your metabolism. It conditions your muscles and helps you burn calories even when you are resting. It boosts your metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day.
  • Jumping improves heart health. It improves overall cardiovascular functioning. When you jump, your body becomes accustomed to supplying more oxygen and blood to your muscles. This improves the functioning of the heart and lungs.
  • Jumping improves balance and muscle coordination. It is a great way to attain functional fitness, which is the fitness you can use in daily living. Jumping helps you become conditioned so that you can do everyday activities, sports and adventures that you may wish to pursue. It helps improve your focus and mental ability as well.
  • Jumping helps keep stress at bay. It is a great way to overcome workout boredom as well. Jumping helps you feel playful and relaxed. It feels  good to sweat out worries in a fun way. Your body releases several chemicals such as endorphins that help relieve pain and make you feel good. You will also look better when you get in better shape. 

You can perform several types of jumping exercises. These include jumping jacks, rope-jumping or skipping, burpees, box jumping, squat jumps and lunge jumps. You can mix some or all of them into your workout routine based on your strength, stamina and flexibility. Always follow the guidance of a qualified physical instructor before you try a new workout. Although jumping is a great workout, you may need to avoid jumping or take precautions while jumping if you have certain conditions. If you have underlying health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, lung conditions and injuries or if you are pregnant, ask your doctor before trying jumping exercises. Because jumping involves high impact, there may be a risk of joint and ligament injuries. Thus, doctors recommend that you perform jumping exercises as directed and take necessary precautions while doing them. 

Medically Reviewed on 3/4/2021


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