What Is the Treatment For a Cyst?
The treatment for a cyst depends on the underlying cause of the cyst and whether or not the cyst is causing the patient problems. As stated previously, many cysts are benign and require no treatment. However, large cysts can result in symptoms due to compression of normal tissue and obstruction of ducts. Some of these cysts can be treated by simply aspirating the cyst contents through a needle or catheter, thereby collapsing the cyst. Other cysts require surgical removal (some cysts like ovarian cysts can be removed by laparoscopic surgery), especially if there’s any suspicion of malignancy. In general, cysts that cause symptoms are treated by draining them and/or removing them surgically; medical treatment is usually limited to reducing associated symptoms of their underlying cause(s). Individuals should discuss with their doctors about the best methods to use to get rid of their cysts.
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