Women Bodybuilding | Nutrition Fit



It seems that there is a lot of hype now-a-days about women bodybuilding, you can even watch competitions on ESPN. Most people tend to think that female bodybuilding is something that only a few women are interested in, and that these women all look like a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger. But it is a lot more that that.

Women bodybuilding is more about physical fitness, weight loss, and general good health. Many women are turning to bodybuilding as way to lose weight. The fat turns to muscle, the excess weight falls off, and the weight that stays behind is healthy, toned muscle, so you look even thinner and healthier than other people at the same weight level.

Basically, losing weight is pretty simple. You need to burn more calories than you take in, and this is where women bodybuilding is so useful. By burning calories with the workout, you can end up burning more calories than you take in. Also, muscle will burn more calories than flab, so you get an added benefit.

A good workout will increase your metabolism, so that your body will continue to burn calories for a long time after your workout is completed, so you get an added benefit there as well.

Many women bodybuilders find that doing some weight training and strengthening exercises along with aerobic exercises that they are able to burn more calories than just doing the aerobic exercises by themselves. It is a great one two punch as it were, the aerobic exercises for their heart and lung conditioning, the weight training for muscle tone and development.

It used to be unusual to see a woman working out with weight lifting, but it is becoming more common now. The odds are, the woman is not trying to become the next Ms. Olympia but is just trying lose weight and tone up.

A woman who works out tends to have fewer health issues such as colds, and when they do get sick, the recovery time tends to be quicker as well. This is another great reason that all women should workout.

So remember, a toned body is not only a sexy body, but it is a healthy body as well.


Source by Sydney Heiden